Ingredients Gathering: Collect ripe bananas, flour, sugar, eggs, butter, baking soda, and vanilla extract.

Preheat Oven: Set your oven to 350°F (175°C) to ensure it's ready for baking.

Mash Bananas: Peel and mash the ripe bananas in a bowl until smooth.

Mix Wet Ingredients: Blend melted butter, beaten eggs, and vanilla extract with the mashed bananas.

Combine Dry Ingredients: In a separate bowl, whisk flour and baking soda together.

Mix Wet and Dry: Gradually fold the dry mixture into the wet mixture until well combined.

Add Sweetener: Incorporate sugar into the batter for sweetness.

Pan Preparation: Grease a loaf pan and pour the batter into it evenly.

Baking Time: Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for around 60 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Cool and Serve: Let the banana bread cool in the pan for a bit, then transfer it to a wire rack. Slice and enjoy once completely cooled.